Medical Transport Accreditation Standards 12th Edition (2022)

Download the free 12th Edition Accreditation Standards here – Does your service provide medical escorts and other services, such as critical care? Download and review our Accreditation Standards now. This free download version does NOT include the Index, Glossary, Quick Reference, References, or Education Matrix. To purchase the full edition which includes all of these –click here.

12th Edition Standard Compliance Tool Checklist

Click here to see final 12th Edition with highlights marking changes from the 11th Edition.

The Education Matrix can found on the resources tab.

Special Operations Accreditation Standards 2nd Edition (2023)

Download the free 2023 Edition Special Operations Accreditation Standards here – These standards apply to tactical rescue and citizen recovery teams as well as medical coverage at media, sporting and special events. Programs that provide these types of services are eligible for accreditation under the 2023 Special Operations Accreditation Standards. This free download version does NOT include the Index, Glossary, Quick Reference, References, or Education Matrix. To purchase the full edition which includes all of these – click here

Special Operations Standard Compliance Tool Checklist

Mobile Integrated Healthcare Accreditation Standards 1st Edition (2022)

Download the free 1st Edition MIH Standards here – Download and review our MIH Accreditation Standards now.  This free download version does NOT include the Index, Glossary, Quick Reference, References, or Education Matrix. To purchase the full edition which includes all of these – click here

MIH Standard Compliance Tool Checklist

Medical Escort Accreditation Standards 7th Edition (2023)

Download the free Medical Escort 2023 Edition Standards here – If your service only provides medical escorts, download and review the latest version of our Medical Escort Standards (only) -This free download version does NOT include the Index, Glossary, Quick Reference, References, or Education Matrix. To purchase the full edition which includes all of these – click here

Medical Escort Standard Compliance Tool Checklist

Best Practices (2020)

Download the index and a sample of the latest Best Practices here – To purchase the full set of Best Practices – click here

Policy and Procedures Manual

Download the Latest Policies and Procedures Manual here – Download the manual to review the most recent CAMTS Medical Transport Systems policies and procedures.

CAMTS is a peer review organization dedicated to improving patient care and safety by providing a dynamic accreditation process through the development of standards, education, and services that support our vision. We do this through:

  • Honest Self Assessment
  • Ethical Business Practices
  • Being Patient and Safety Focused
  • Continuous Quality Improvement
  • Transparency in the Accreditation Process

Accreditation Standards originally developed through an extensive public comment process and published in 1991, revised every 2-3 years, the Accreditation Standards address issues of patient care and safety in fixed and rotorwing services as well as ground critical care, ALS/BLS and Medical Escort Services. Each standard is supported by measurable criteria. Accreditation Standards are periodically revised according to the ANSI process to reflect the dynamic, changing environment of medical transport with considerable input from all disciplines of the medical profession.